** Stay tuned for more information about our May 26th worship service.
As soon as we know the status of our meeting space, we will let you know!


The Shape of Our Worship: The Basics

- Prelude:
Instrumental to cue our people that we are starting the service.

- Call to Worship (Psalm 95:1-7; Hebrews 12:28-29): A passage is read in which God calls us to worship. This helps to orient our hearts and minds to worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

- Congregational Confession: Depending on the sermon series, we will participate in reading a historic confession or prayer together to humbly connect with the historic church.

- Prayer of Invocation (Psalm 105:1-6): In this prayer, we thank the Lord for His presence with us.

- Songs of Preparation and Praise (Psalm 100:1-5): These songs lift our hearts and minds to God as Father.

- Confession of Sin (1 John 1:9): During this time, we confess as a congregation that we are sinful in comparison to a holy God and in eternal need of a Savior.

- Assurance of Pardon (1 John 1:9): These words are healing, encouraging reminders from Scripture of our union with Christ through faith alone by grace alone.

- Song of Comfort (Psalm 32:1-11): This song reminds us of the person and work of Christ who purchased our forgiveness and restored us to our Abba Father.

- Offering of Tithes and Gifts (2 Corinthians 8-9): Here we recognize God as the Abundant Provider, and we give cheerfully to the work of the Church in order to glorify God and love our neighbors near and far.

- Song of Reflection: This song helps to prepare us for the sermon.

- Pastoral Prayer for the Children, Other Ministries, and the Gathered Saints (Psalm 127:3-5; Matthew 19:13-15): This prayer recognizes the blessing and deposit that have been granted to the Church to be overseen with great care to provide for the future of the Church.

- Sermon (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12-13): During this time, we exegete the Word of God for encouragement, edification, maturation, conviction, and healing as the Spirit leads.

- Sacrament: Lord’s Supper and Baptism: Practiced on a regular basis to make the Word visible.

- Song Response (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16): This song grants us a time of praise and response to the Biblical truths that were preached.

- Announcements (Romans 15:5-7): These are opportunities to engage in missional service, discipleship, or fellowship. We also celebrate God’s goodness to, in, and through us during this time.

- Family Additions (Psalm 61): Those who are joining our church take their membership vows before the congregation.

- Benediction (Numbers 6:22-27): This priestly blessing serves to empower and encourage us as we depart to our various spheres of influence to apply the Word prayed, read, sung, and preached in the service.

- Personal Prayer (Colossians 1:3-14): Our leaders are available to pray with and for you as needed.


The Shape of Our Worship: The Story:

Each element serves to highlight more specifically a member of the Trinity as well as a part of the Redemptive Story. This is accomplished through call and response as we participate in worship for God’s glory.

Our Liturgy